Several nonprofits have reached out regarding Stripe integration recipes. Stripe webhooks and checkout session callouts are typical use cases. These inbound and outbound examples will assist with many payment scenarios.
Checkout Sessions are special links that redirect the user to Stripe. The link includes their shopping cart contents. Stripe collects payment, then redirects the user back to Salesforce.
In this example we will create the checkout session (highlighted above) using a script. The checkout session collects payment when the user finishes a screen flow.
Step 1 - In Stripe, obtain your API keys in Test Mode
January 2025 update: click the gearwheel in Stripe to get to settings. The first time you visit the Developer settings, click Enable Workbench then click Start Using Workbench. This reveals the hidden Webhooks tab used in this tutorial.
Step 2 - In Salesforce, create a Named Credential to hold your API keys
(paste your Publishable key from Stripe)sk_test_secret_key
(also paste your Secret key from Stripe above)
Step 3 - Build the Screen Flow
# Streamscript to create a Stripe Checkout Session $url = 'callout:https_api_stripe_com/v1/checkout/sessions' $headers = {} $headers.Content-Type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' $headers.Authorization = 'Bearer {!$Credential.Password}' # Shopping cart $params = {} $params.mode = 'payment' $params.cancel_url = '' $params.success_url = '' $params.put('line_items[0][quantity]', 2) $params.put('line_items[0][price_data][product_data][name]', 'GenWatt') $params.put('line_items[0][price_data][unit_amount]', 99900) $params.put('line_items[0][price_data][currency]', 'USD') $params.put('metadata[sf-order-id]', 'my_id_123') # Form-encoded POST $payload = $params.toUrl(); $response = Http-Post $url $headers $payload $result = Json-Decode $response.body Log $result; return $result.url
Comments: This script uses the protected fields of a Named Credential as a best practice.
Refer to the Salesforce docs for an explanation on how the callout and $Credential merge fields work.
Starting in 2024, Stripe has new API params for checkout:
Comments: By using rich text you can display a clickable hyperlink to the user. It is a good place to set expectations about opening a new window and having the card ready. This pattern may also be used with flows in sites/communities.
The checkout flow is ready!
Webhooks listen for Stripe activities like subscription payments sent to Salesforce. You collect the events in the Streams Package and execute flows to handle them. Here's how:
Step 1 - In Salesforce, prepare the webhook flow
Step 2 - In Stripe, add the webhook endpoint in Test Mode
and customer.updated
Step 3 - In Salesforce, decode the webhook requests and store them
# Streamscript to parse the incoming payload $event = Json-Decode $Webhook.request # Prepare a task $Task = New-Task $Task.Subject = $event.type $Task.Description = Json-Encode $ return $Task
Comments: The script converts the payload into a Task record. Using the fields of a record allows us to return several values at once from the script. We set the task's subject to the event type, so that a decision can be made in the next flow step.
Step 4 - Decide how to handle each event type
equals customer.created
equals customer.updated
Insert a task record for each webhook request:
Finally click the gearwheel to enable the Site Guest User to insert records safely.
In Flow Properties > Advanced > How to Run the Flow: System Context With Sharing.
The saved record provides an audit trail. Use a scheduled flow to process the task records in the context of an integration user. The customer data payload is in the Description field.
The webhook is ready! Use the Resend button in Stripe to iterate and test.
That's basic two-way integration covered. We hope you find our documentation useful, and we sincerely welcome feedback: Contact Us »
Getting started with Streamscript
Install from the Salesforce AppExchange
Package install link: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tGA000005NIEx
![]() Reference Documentation |
![]() Install & Setup |
![]() How to call Apex from scripts |